

The textbooks taught us that by dropping atomic bombs, the U.S. hastened the end of World War II.



Growing up in the U.S., I learned as a teenager to associate Hiroshima and Nagasaki with the image of two distant, devastated Japanese cities. The textbooks taught us that by dropping atomic bombs on Japan, the U.S. hastened the end of World War II. In other words, the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of civilians ultimately helped save lives.

出だしの "Growing up" は分詞構文。 As I grew up.. の省略で、「米国で育った私は。。」と続ければいいでしょう。

associate A with B = AをBと関連付ける、devastate = 徹底的に破壊する、atomic bomb = A-bomb = 原爆、hasten = 早める、slaughter = 大虐殺、hundreds of thousands of = 何十万の、civilian = 一般市民、民間人


associate という動詞は、基本的に日本語にはない使い方をされているので、翻訳しにくいです。直訳は「広島長崎で、~の都市を連想することを学んだ。」あるいは「学んで、広島長崎について~の都市を連想するようになった。」




Perhaps the charred children's school uniforms on display in the Hiroshima Peace Memorial don't fit the image many Americans have of "the Great War."

Several young U.S. visitors leave the museum this week, clearly grappling with very difficult questions.

"All of these innocent civilians died. When you look at it from a moral standpoint, was this really necessary? Did we have to do this?" asks Scott Baker, a 16-year old Boy Scout from Cupertino, California.

char = 焦がす、Great War = 大戦、grapple with~ = ~と取り組む、innocent = 罪のない、moral = 道徳的な、from a ~ standpoint = ~の観点から


Was this really necessary?  Did we have to do this? という疑問を個人個人が持つことこそが、生きた歴史教育なのでしょう。


But amid these potential threats to global stability, it is worth keeping one historical fact in mind. The U.S. is the only country in the world to have ever used nuclear weapons in an act of war.

amid = in the middle of = ~の真ん中に、さなかに、worth doing = ~する価値がある、keep ~ in mind = 覚えておく、nuclear = 核の、原子力
